Fab Friday!

November 5th

Check out the projects being offered for our ward's "Fab Friday" (aka "Super Saturday"). Note that we've added the Dry Seasoning Mixes and revised the Treat Buckets as being offered only in the smaller size. Orders are due no later than Monday, November 1st, so we can purchase needed supplies.
Please remember . . . an order is not an order, unless it is paid for.

Gift Idea Exchange Table

Bring your gift ideas "to the table." Share quick, easy, inexpensive Christmas gift ideas for friends, neighbors, bus drivers, and teachers (school, visiting, home, etc). A few for thought:

Canned gifts - Open a pop-top can from the bottom, fill with goodies (candy, gift cards, etc.), glue on the bottom, and decorate!

"We Whisk You a Merry Kissmas" - decorated wire whisk filled with Hershey Kisses

"May Your Days Be Merry and Sprite" - decorated 2-liter bottle of Sprite